Here’s how to clean your face without messing up your lashes:
So, you got lash extensions, you‘re unwinding from the day but wait! You need to know how to wash you face. I assume thats how you ended up here! Well let’s dive right into it. Haha, get it?
If you can’t wet your lashes, because your lash artist mentioned not to for the next 24 hours, you may be wondering how exactly to wash your face effectively. The following is a list of steps to help you clean your face effectively to ensure no breakouts and sanitary lashes!
We recommend using the Siroki Sponge a makeup-removing sponge that will help you skip the oils and messy products with a clean, environmentally friendly option.
It’s especially nice for those of you with sensitive skin. If you don’t have the sponge yet, we recommend washing your face with a soft washcloth. This will make sure your skin will not suffer for the benefit of your lashes.
If you must, apply your oil-free makeup remover to the skin. My favorite formulas to look for are lotions as they typically have fewer oil options hidden in their ingredient lists.
The Steps
- Simply wet your washcloth or makeup remover sponge with warm water
- Ring out the washcloth or Squeeze out the excess water from your Siroki Sponge
- Wet your face [avoiding the eye area]
- Apply your cleanser to the skin with your hands after emulsifying it in the hands first
- Rub the towel or sponge across your face, make sure to loosen any makeup, and thoroughly cleanse away oils, dirt, and debris from the day.
- Rinse the towel/sponge out thoroughly
- Ring out the washcloth or Squeeze out the excess water from your Siroki Sponge
- Repeat these steps as many times as you need to in order to properly cleanse the skin.
Finally, rinse all of the soap and excess from the cloth/sponge and rub the wet clean fabric over the skin for a final wash. Voila! You have avoided getting your freshly installed Siroki Lash Studio extensions wet and have avoided any lash extension casualties in the process of cleansing.
We also recommend this face-washing technique if you use the DIY Lash Extensions
Why its important to keep up with cleaning Your Lash Extensions
Taking proper care of your lash extensions is extremely important. If you do not shampoo your lashes often you can develop Blepharitis.
(or bleghhh-pharaitis, it’s not fun friends).
Blepharitis commonly occurs when the tiny oil glands of the inner eyelid become inflamed, Symptoms include red, itchy eyelids that may look greasy and crusted.
Improper lash care can lead to an infestation of lash mites, a stye, OR an infection [such as Conjunctivitis aka] pink eye]. Improper cleansing of lashes can lead to you not being able to wear lash extensions for a while. & let’s be honest, we both don’t want that!
Steps to washing your lashes
- Apply one pump of lash foam to the eyelashes
- Grab your shampoo brush and sweep soap side to side in windshield wiper motions ensuring you fully coat the lashes in foam.
- Move the brush from the tips of lashes to the ends after windshield wiper motions WORK AROUND ALL AREAS OF THE LASHES
- Rinse with distilled/filtered water
- Blot dry gently, Avoid cotton pads and balls and be careful not to pull lashes off if you blot with a towel. Microfiber towels or disposable towels are usually best.
- Use your lash fan and brush through with a clean mascara wand.
- Done!
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XO, Sierra
Founder of Siroki Lash Studio + Siroki Studio Salon Suites
Follow us @SirokiLashStudio
1547 San Marco Blvd Jacksonville FL, 32207
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